Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An Award!

We have received The Versatile Blogger Award from Kiki & Lala- awesome! :D Thanks, ladies, for reading our blog and awarding us. Go check out their blog (you'll have to request an invite) because they are wonderful. Stephanie and Corrine from Waking Up With Her also nominated us. Their blog is amazing, too! They remind us of ourselves in many ways. Check them out!

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Here are the rules:

Nominate 15 fellow bloggers (oh my gosh, I don't even read that many blogs!)
Inform the bloggers of their nomination.
Share 7 random facts about yourself.
Thank the blogger who nominated you.
Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.

7 Kay and Liss Facts
1. K likes Coke, L likes Pepsi.
2. Memorial Day was the first "holiday" we spent together.
3. We both love Mexican food.
4. We both shamelessly watch reality tv.
5. K's favorite color is green and L's favorite color is blue.
6. We have dreams to travel all over the world together.
7. We have spent 388 days together.

I'll be back later to link my favorite blogs!